Thursday, 24 February 2011

Frenzied Scrawlings

Hurried boardings...

Frantic scratchings...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Know Your Onions

If you're a fan of pretty much any quality comedy then be sure to check in at The Velvet Onion.

It started out as a Mighty Boosh site and has expanded to include everything in the "Booshniverse" and much beyond including many Lord Tunley co-conspirators such as Rich Fulcher, Alice Lowe, Steve Oram, Simon Farnaby, Waen Shephard et al.

Recently they've also been kind enough to embed our Peeder Jigson videos, so head on over...

... both of you...

Monday, 14 February 2011


More improvved bumfoolery from Peeder Jigson and his behind the scenes Making of the Hobbit video diary thang...

...with special guest: Guillermo Del Toro (for it is he).