Saturday, 30 April 2011


The production of the Hobbit lumbers on...

Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Secret Of Directing

Here's Benjamin "Wheatcheeks" Wheatley giving a great little talk on directing recently.

He'll go far that lad.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Work work work

Here's how I roll on a sunny bank holiday while everybody else is in a paddling pool with their kids or at a BBQ with friends:

Testing a borrowed 550d.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, 21 April 2011

It's Back Online

My pop promo directing debut that is: this vid I made for Alessi's Ark was taken down briefly for technical reasons way beyond my ken but is now up again.


Saturday, 16 April 2011

Jigson Reels

Can't claim to have had anything to do with this (Tony Way was, I believe, behind the camera for this one) but thought I'd keep you up to speed with what Peeder Jigson is up to.

Also: Some sort of amateur has decided to parody Peeder's making of videos with his own shoddy YouTube ripoff. I'm sure it won't last.

The music vid is down due to some sort of technical snafus but I will repost it as soon as it's up again.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

All Aboard The Ark

Finally it is here: the finished promo for Alessi's Ark's new single "Maybe I Know" that we shot about a month ago...

EDIT: Well, this has been taken down for some reason. I shall investigate and repost it asap.

Hosanahs. Thanks again to all, especially Alessi who was about as far away from Elton style pop star shenanigans as it's possible to imagine.

Here's someone blogging about Alessi's new album "Time Travel"


Monday, 4 April 2011

Tap At The Window

Here's more of me doing my bestest pretending in something directed by a person who is not me. In this case bewilderingly talented whizz-kid Chris Boyle.

"Tap at the window" was Chris's entry into the Sci Fi 48 Hour Challenge, so even though we only shot the darned thing on Saturday it's already finished.

The rules of the competition are that the title, a prop (in this case the plate of biscuits that I am scoffing) and a line are all sent in by text by the organisers at the 11th hour and have to be worked into the film which, of course, has to be completed within 48 hours. It's geeky madness I tells ya.

By the way, the promo is finished (I'm not that slow) and I'll post it here as soon as I get the get go from those in charge. Top.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Hammer Time

More stuff directed by people who are not me:

This short by Will Andrews, in which I play a mentalist Welsh campsite monitor (typecast again) should be coming down the pipeline very soon and doesn't it look pretty from these screenshots...