Sunday, 30 January 2011


Me and Alex "Brothers" Kirk exercise our live comedy muscles doing Ridley and Tony at The Forgery Club.

Thanks to Bob Pipe for getting us along.

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Thursday, 27 January 2011


Here's Peeder Jigson's video diary making it's first big screen outing at the fabulous Kernel Club last night.

Thrill fuelled, action packed, non-stop, talking head, big screen action action.

Some bloke in the audience who looks like Peeder Jigson.

We came second which considering I didn't know it was a competition was pretty good.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Kernel Blimp

I am reliably informed that part 1 of Peeder Jigson's Video Diary will be showing at the Kernel Club, a night of comedy and short movies orgaganized by those lovely people at Popcorn Comedy.

See you Thursday.

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Friday, 21 January 2011


By the by: Peeder Jigson, whose making of The Hobbit I am helping to chronicle in video diary form, has his own Twitter feed where he occasionally reveals behind the scenes tit bits like this early rejected hobbit design:

Follow him here. Or search for @peederjigson on Twitter

He has more followers than me.


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Tuesday, 18 January 2011


More from telekinetic Josh as he tries to levitate a ping pong ball with the power of his mind.

Did this a while back but could never get the sound right. Never did get the sound right in fact. What's the best thing to use for a sound mix when FCP starts getting too annoying?

Don't all rush at once.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Here be monsters

Brilliant random blog find

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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Big and Little

More production news from the making of The Hobbit

That also should explain this...

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


I now have a fledgling Funny Or Die account. Why not head on over and show some love, especially to the rather lonely UFO clip which is currently criminally underrated at 67% funny...

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Sunday, 9 January 2011

Block Watching

This featureless block is hopping from place to place like the monolith from 2001 but without the men in monkey suits.

Actually it's another, only half successful but still quite pleasing, tracking test round at my good friend James "Peeder Jigson" Bachman's gaff using his shiny new Canon 550d camera.

Yes it shifts a bit and it's not perfect but it only took about twenty minutes top to bottom.

Moral: get a decent camera.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Tracks Of My Tears

Back when I did this test I thought I'd cracked motion tracking (the mind and soul destroying art of putting special effects into shots even when the camera is moving all over the shop).

Turns out it was just beginners luck and by the time I tried to apply it in an actual proper professional thing, like the Scientology sketch I did last November, it all fell to ribbons. The motion tracking barely worked at all and the sfx side of things was a little bit sub standard as a result.

Which is why this humble little clip constitutes fist pumping, hand waving excitement here in Lord Tunley manor - especially as it was achieved from my flu ridden sickbed.

See how the badly lit, obviously fake grey block sticks to the desk? Hello? Hello? Come back...

I will undoubtedly thrill you with more in the future.