Just yesterday it was fag and a fiver film production time shooting some sketches.

That's the inimitable Alex Kirk on the left, the outstanding
Steve Evans (tied to chair) and Josh Topp doing his art dept duties with elan aplenty.
In the foreground is a high end, ultra high def 8K digital camera with super fast low light lenses and 35mm cine sized sensor cunningly disguised as a cheap bit of tat off eBay.

This had nothing to do with filming.

Mr Topp adds the final touches to "the wife". Real actors are expensive.

It really would take far too long to explain.

Recession tip: Tescos instant mash is 50 pence cheaper than Smash.

Mr Evans begins to doubt who and what he has got involved with.
Thanks again to the team, a splendid time was had by all.
With luck the final sketches will be even more wrong-ass than these snaps suggest. I'll post them here of course as soon as they're done.