Some (really very) rough sketches for ufos for thisviral we are shooting, hopefully within a month or so.
Should I keep it simple stupid or go for some kerrazy multi-tiered affair? hmmmm. the shot will be pretty dark so probably won't matter much so long as there's loads of flashing lights and shizzle.
This image may look like a bizzarre Chat Roulette nightmare but it is in fact a publicity still for friend of Lord Tunley, Ben Wheatley's bleakly funny feature "Down Terrace" (that's me doing me acting bottom left).
The film is going great guns and has just received this glowing review in none other than proper Hollywood rag Variety.
I was once mentioned in Variety because of another film I acted in years back but they called me Careth Dunley or somesuch. Oh the glamour.
For those of you reading this in the US (I know there's some of you from looking at the Google Analytics map thingummyjigwhotsit) the film is playing at New Directors/New Films at MoMA in New Yoik on the 29th and 30th.
This is the reason why "Giant Robot vs Gerbil", my insane foray into 3d animation, is taking sooooo long (apart from my own amateurish blunderings that is).
Here are the 'render farms' (the place the geeky spods store and process all the 3d info) at Pixar and LucasFilm.
Another blast from the past. This time it's "Brothers", possibly my fave thing that I've directed ever, largely thanks to writer / stars Alex Kirk and Simon Messingham's wonderfully blackly poignant script.
The whole thing was produced by the brilliant Phil Gilbert, now one half of funny business purveyors The Sunday Defensive.
The spot on production design (on zero budget) was by old Lord Tunley oppo Joshua Topp. The beautiful photography was by DOP supremo Ben Pritchard.
Here's some exclusive access all areas behind the scenes photos of the shoot.
The tracking shot at the end was done in a wheelchair rigged by Mr Pritchard (seated) and pushed (jargon alert) by Mr Topp (standing). That's a Sony Z1 in a MovieTube rig fact fans.
A thin version of me takes a pic with some sort of futuristic mini camera.
While I struggle with new depths of geeky spoddery and work-for-hire bore-athons feast your eyes on this bit of mental brilliance (from Paul O'Connell)
...constitutes massive excitement here in the Lord Tunley mansion. It's my first attempt at Motion Tracking. Thrill! as the Lord Tunley logo (almost) sticks to the side of the building.
It also enables this to happen:
Which may come in handy for a UFO based viral I have in mind.
These sets serve only as placeholders while the characters are rigged and animated to provide reference points for scale and other importahhh- oh god, I'm boring myself.
For reasons known only to my Jungian analyst I have become unhealthily obsessed with this clip from Judex.
It's the music by Maurice "Jean Michel's Dad" Jarre as much as anything else. I'm almost afraid to watch the rest of the movie for fear it's not as good.